Our History

Early 1900's

In the early 1900’s, Jewish funerals were held at the local synagogue or at the residence of the deceased. As the Jewish population of Montreal grew, there was an increasing need for a funeral home to carry out the religious and cultural responsibilities of caring for their dead. Lazar Paperman, being the head of the local Hevra Kadisha (burial society), was appointed by the community leaders to create and establish a local Jewish funeral home. It was Lazar’s sense of caring and responsibility to the Jewish community that prompted them to encourage him to establish L. Paperman and Sons Inc. Together with his sons Abraham, Max, and Sam, Paperman and Sons operated out of a location on St. Elizabeth Street.


As the Jewish population of Montreal was increasing, the need for a larger facility moved the family to a more appropriate building on St. Urban Street. Here, they provided funeral and burial services to the Jewish community for the next twenty-six years.

Early 1950’s

Paperman and Sons moved to a more convenient and lavish building on Cote des Neiges Road, where the community could arrange and attend funerals in a more dignified manner. By this time the third generation of the Paperman family became involved. Herbert Paperman, son of Abraham, eventually took over from his late father and Uncle, paving the way for the fourth generation, his three sons, Joseph, Laurence, and Ross.


A new building was erected on Jean Talon St. which offers two chapels with seating capacity of up to eight hundred and fifty people. Families are afforded the opportunity of making funeral arrangements in a pleasant and professional environment, with directors who still hold dear to them the sacred family trust, handed down by their founder Lazar Paperman over five generations ago.


The fifth generation, Jarred and Noah Paperman, join the family business.