Questions & Answers
The followed are suggested answers to common questions you may have during the funeral process. As circumstances are often unique, we encourage you to contact us at any time at 514.733.7101 to clarify any questions you may have.
In the event of a death
What do I do in the event of a death?
  1. If the death occurs at home please call 911
  2. If the death occurs at a hospital or other institutional facility please notify the admitting office that Paperman and Sons will be handling the arrangements
  3. If the death occurs out of town, please contact us directly and we will make the necessary arrangements with the local funeral home or Chevra Kadisha.
  4. Regardless of where the death occurs, we encourage you to call us as soon as possible any hour day or night.
What will I be asked when I call?
You will need to provide the following information:
  1. Name of deceased
  2. Place of death
  3. Name of spouse (if applicable)
  4. Place of burial (if available)
  5. Whether the funeral was pre-arranged
  6. A contact name and telephone number
When arranging the funeral
What do I bring?
  1. Social Insurance Number
  2. Hebrew Name
  3. Date of Birth / Place of Birth
  4. Parents' Names (English and Hebrew)
  5. Date and Place of Marriage
  6. Please bring all the above information for the spouse if applicable
Do I bring a Tallis?
If the deceased is a Male please bring the Tallis if available.
Do I bring clothing?
In our tradition we are dressed in Tachrichim, a traditional burial shroud. You are not required to bring any personal clothing.
How soon after death must the funeral occur?
As the Jewish tradition prescribes burial should occur as soon as possible after death. However, with today’s lifestyles funerals may be held at the family’s convenience to allow close relatives to travel from distant places.
What benefits am I entitled to?
For information regarding death benefits please refer to our Aftercare Services
Attending a funeral
Should I send flowers?
Flowers are not customary in the Jewish tradition. Contributions to a charity designated by the family, or to your own charity, are always greatly appreciated.
Do I need to cover my head?
Head coverings for men and married women are required and are supplied by us when you arrive at the chapel.
Do I need to wear black?
It is not an obligation to wear black to a funeral; however, tasteful, modest attire is suggested.
How long is the funeral?
A funeral service will normally last between 20 and 30 minutes at the chapel, continuing at the cemetery for an additional 10 to 15 minutes (not including travel time to the cemetery).
When should I arrive?
We suggest you arrive at the chapel approximately 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the service. However, if the family is receiving visitors prior to the service, you may arrive earlier to spend a brief moment with them.